I love Mexico City. I thought that it would just be tons of cars under a grey, heavy sky, but it's been a paradise! There are though, quite some cars. Not just that you have
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Las shopping
I felt better today, but decided to be sick anyway. What that means is: no running, and eating candy. I wanted to stay in bed all day long, but it was impossible to buy a
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World’s best vegan ramen
Woke up and was sick. I decided to take it very easy today. Just eat ramen and rest in my bed. I found a vegan ramen place. I had no expectations at all. I've had
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Getting Shoes
Every visitor makes you pay 10 euros more. Jesus, the after party is here! Went to have breakfast and saw this bike gang coming. I thought it was a competition or something, but while watching
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Mexico City!!
Good morning mountain! Good morning cars. Good morning city. Good morning people! Good morning weird smoking volcano! I was looking at it for a long time, wondering if it was smoking, or just with a
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On the Mercedes bus
Woke up and walked to the bus station. This mountain says good morning! I love these trees above the sidewalks. Good morning Jesus! And the scary saints. Took some money out. I really hope that
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Entering Mexico
Woke up in my lovely bed, went downstairs for breakfast at 8, and then bedded away until 12 when the bus left for Mexico. Untz untz Getting passed by these BRT buses. When I saw
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Nicely warm Guatemala
Woke up early and took the 5:30 bus to Guatemala. Why are their buses so early all the time? To skip the traffic jam? Here are all the cars entering San Salvador at 6 in
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Eating Salvador
Good morning Tegucigalpa! Feeling all murderous today? Great! I'm leaving. To El Salvador! Lovely river crossing. I got no stamp when entering El Salvador. As always, I was never sure when there was a check
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Too Hungry in Honduras
Got up early in my room, left my key in the empty cashier and entered the bus. We left Managua a few minutes before five. So it's good to be in time! As we reached
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