Brain Hemorrhage Day 1-2

On Facebook, people post the 10 albums that influenced their music tastes. I like that! So here are 10 songs, once a day. And these posts are also in order to give my extreme thanks

On Facebook, people post the 10 albums that influenced their music tastes. I like that! So here are 10 songs, once a day. And these posts are also in order to give my extreme thanks to the Swedish health care system that took me back from passed out by a brain hemorrhage into becoming a living person. You could say that I had a midlife crisis! And the Stockholm health care system solved it.

Press play!

Day 1-2. May 3-4, 2018

“Patient’s diary” at NIVA (The neurosurgery intensive care unit at the Karolinska hospital in Solna.)

May 3, Thursday

Hi Harald. Today you got bad at the gym. You passed out and cramped. The ambulance took you to the hospital who made an X-ray and found that you had a brain hemorrhage. You are anaesthetized and intubated. You have a drain in your head which measures the brain pressure.

May 4, Friday

Today you’re having a brain surgery. You are going there in the afternoon and comes back in the evening.

In the meanwhile, they found me. Astrid and I were here when you came back after the surgery. /Mamma-Sigrid

I don’t remember anything at all about this. Reading the diary is like reading the story of someone else, but with pictures of me.

Speaking of midlife crisis, here I am trying to go by skateboard. It’s in Mars 2020, so 22 months after the accident. The skateboarding didn’t go to well, I must admit. Which probably has more to do with me not trying skateboard since it got stolen 30 years ago than the brain hemorrhage.

But it was great to be in Santa Barbara! First time meeting the kids of my friend Nathan, from Japan. I brought “Ticket to Ride” and the older kid loved it 🙂

See you tomorrow!

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