It’s free to test yourself in Stockholm, so I went there and gave some blood. Two days later I learnt that I have antibodies against Covid 19. I probably got it in late May, as
It’s free to test yourself in Stockholm, so I went there and gave some blood. Two days later I learnt that I have antibodies against Covid 19. I probably got it in late May, as I had two days of fever, later a bit of dry coughs, and found it a tiny bit difficult to walk up stairs, plus an insane backache. The last part made me go to gym all summer, five days a week, using a special back program, for people like me, who spends all quarantine lying in bed with computers on their stomach. And this might have been in vain as it was just the Covid virus making the pain.
But it’s great to go to the gym, it really is. Especially as I’m looking for a girlfriend now, someone who can share my life. It’s fun but a bit difficult to do this “online-dating”. Here’s what I feel like:

I keep looking at girl’s noses, for some reasons. And I like them cycling more than into cars. Of course I understand the great need for having a car if you live in a rural place, but I don’t want to see it in their profile. As for dogs … one girl refused to meet me IRL because I said that I would probably “accept” her dogs. She said I’d need to love them. But a dog is like a human – you have no idea if you love them until you have spent some time with them. No one accepts you to suddenly “love their children”, but apparently those barking slaves need love at first sight.
Cats, on the other hand, are eternally lovable, whoever they are. And it seems like cat people are a little bit introvert, if allowed to generalise. Not that ready to go out for a beer/coffee. While dog girls are everywhere. Anyway, I’ll try to relax and let this take its time. At least I can say that I can’t have Covid as my body is packed with cells that kills them. Well, probably, that is.
Btw, only some people who had Covid 19 do get antibodies. If you get a negative results, you might still have had it, and defeated it in other ways, such as T-cells, that also makes you immune. For a while.

I’m no immunologist, but I do personally believe that it was good to never lock down Sweden. Yes, we are on top-10 as for deaths/capita, but now that the rest of the world has trashed their economies, and are entering “phase 2”, it seems like we already had it all, with a slightly less crashed economy.
But, again, I’m no epidemiologist. I’m an economist becoming a programmer, who is currently using 90% of my brain to find out how to meet someone 🙂