Got up and didn’t get breakfast today :/ So, I’ll start my 72 hour fasting from yesterday night, from the dinner we had. I guess I finished it between 20 and 20:30. I don’t like
Got up and didn’t get breakfast today :/ So, I’ll start my 72 hour fasting from yesterday night, from the dinner we had. I guess I finished it between 20 and 20:30. I don’t like fasting from evening to evening, since I tend to eat a lot when I can eat again. You’re not supposed to, but I am who I am 🙂

I walked to the bus station and got my bus. End seat of course, so I could stretch my legs 🙂 It’s incredible how much it was shaking though. Sometimes you even flew up! I’ve never been on such a shaking bus in my life. The last I can remember is the last time in Costa Rica, when travelling on the Nicoya peninsula. But this bus went a lot faster, so we jumped like little apples down there. I couldn’t even read. My tits got all sloppy. Eventually, I found the secret: tight the security belt really hard! That forces the stomach/hips to absorb a lot of the force, and they do it well 🙂

All through Panama and the whole way to Mexico, I’m travelling with Tica Bus. And except for in Costa Rica, I sleep in their own hotels. This is partly since the reputation of some of the countries here are not too good. And since many of the buses start at 5 in the morning, and I rather start the day with waking up at the bus station, rather than messing with Uber/buses/long walks in the early morning. In 2002, in Costa Rica, we waited for a bus taking us from Puntarenas to San José, and arrived at the bus stop at 5 am. There was a guy there, who said he was robbed, right there, just 15 minutes ago. So it was a nervous wait for us until our bus came. So that’s why I prefer to literally sleep inside the bus company.

Visa queue to get out of Costa Rica.

Waiting people.

In the bus, a conductor was getting “taxes” from everyone, 14 USD. I had no idea, and I only had 12 dollars on me. I got angry, and told him in English that they needed to instruct us _before_ we got on the bus that we needed some currency. It’s, of course, very possible that this was loudly written in an email I got, but he didn’t understand English anyway. He took my 12 dollars and said that we’d change it with my visa card “later”. Inside the visa building, a doctor singled out me and a Dutch guy. There were other distant foreigners on the bus as well, but he took us two, and asked a lot of questions, where we were going etc. He needed to see our yellow fever vaccinations. I had mine in my nice little yellow book that is always with my passport. First time I used it! I paid a 1000 euros for all those vaccinations :p The Dutch guy didn’t have it, and was not allowed into Nicaragua. He tried to offer money for a “special health insurance” but the doctor said no. Good bye! Superdoeidoeg. I was allowed in, and went with the bus guy to a cash machine that was far away. I withdrew a 100 USD to give him 2. Then I had to find my bus myself.

And it was here! I paid a dollar to piss in a proper place, and got two Nicaraguan bills back.

Here’s a water tap that is pissing as much as it wants, all free! Discrimination.


Nicaragua again.

I paid 10 USD for this room. No shower, but there was a cold one a 50 meters from there. The rooms were inside the bus station, inside some kind of weird building with stairs inside an open hall. I tried to find nearby laundry services, but none open. Had a cold shower. Brrr. And then slept directly in the nice and comfortable bed zzz