Today we went to a birthday party. Theme: rainbows! So beautiful! Until we destroyed them. Three big stomachs here. Don’t worry about the nativity! A game in which you throw things from the rainbow flag.

Today we went to a birthday party. Theme: rainbows!

So beautiful! Until we destroyed them.

Three big stomachs here. Don’t worry about the nativity!

A game in which you throw things from the rainbow flag.

I found a nice chair to rest in afterwards.

Pride boy.

And then there was a basketball game.

It didn’t go too well for us.

A disappointed fan who started being interested in something else.

Then we went to change the kids for dry martinis! I can’t review the deal right here but … nice.

It’s time to go out and hit Santa Barbara where it hurts!

Starting with mescal and aperol and some egg rolls in a nice Chinese restaurant.

Then we found a Palestine restaurant and ate their hummus and baba ganoush with dolma and falafel. Like being home!

Nathan’s office for a free beer. I find it so cool that he is in the top of this company!

Then we had to check out the ramen.

It was delicious! The ingredients a little bit too fresh, but the noodles where mmmh mmhh and the sauce was amazing. 4/5.

And then: karaoke!

I’m singing Barbie Girl by Aqua. Then it was 2 and time to go home. Apparently, that’s when places have to close around here. Worse than Sweden! But maybe that was good, as we were worse than Swedes.