OMG, this was a horrible day. How did it feel? I don’t know, maybe a little bit like this worm I found in my clothes. Could it be an “Elevator”? I did what I’ve been
OMG, this was a horrible day. How did it feel?

I don’t know, maybe a little bit like this worm I found in my clothes. Could it be an “Elevator”?
I did what I’ve been doing every now and then: cleaned my backpack. I started collecting receipts a month ago to make a proper account of what I’ve bought. It would be fun to have afterwards. Like, how many SEK wasted on coffee, water, alcohol, food, travels and hotels in various countries. But when would I sit with these receipts? I haven’t had time the last one month, so I guess never. I hope the staff had fun with my half a kilo of receipts! And the two headphones I didn’t need. Why did I once upon a time pack down three headphones? Expecting to keep losing them? Well, I lost them now!

I then went to Germinando Vida, the restaurant where the girl from yesterday worked. She wasn’t there. Maybe she felt a little bit like me :p I still ordered the dish she liked cooking the best, hoping that her colleagues had the same preferences.

It was a lovely pancake on beans, beans and beans, topped with mushrooms, carrots, onions, banana, alfalfa seeds etc. So delicious!
When I was waiting for my Uber to the bus station, the girl from yesterday showed up. It was great meeting again! No change of numbers though, as I was leaving the country in that minute. A short, happy memory.
I was longing so bad for the bus, but it never came. We who went towards the North just had to sit and wait, sit and wait. Yesterday night was a little bit too close to today.
But finally the bus came! So nice to just sit there and watch the landscape. It was more or less desert again.

And here’s our fantastic dinner! Pasta again. I’m happy I geared up on more nutritious things earlier. Good night!