Too Hungry in Honduras

Got up early in my room, left my key in the empty cashier and entered the bus. We left Managua a few minutes before five. So it’s good to be in time! As we reached

Got up early in my room, left my key in the empty cashier and entered the bus. We left Managua a few minutes before five. So it’s good to be in time!

As we reached the border, police entered our bus, and asked questions in Spanish. I said “no español” and was taken out, bringing my luggage. Me and a Swiss guy got searched down to the smallest little things we carried. I got some questions about “Colombia”. How long was I there? What did I do? Play board games, huh? A bit like when I was maybe the last person ever to walk between Czechia and Germany just before Czechia became part of Schengen, and they searched through all the Seigo board games I carried. What kind of weird person smuggles board games like that?

Anyway, they forgot to give me an “exit Nicaragua” stamp. I had no idea if we’d pass another checkpoint or not. Overall, I don’t have any ideas. I’m all just “Si, si, no español, be nice to me, gracias.”

I was very hungry. After not eating for 36 hours, I read this text in one of the Harari books. It says that humans discover hunger very differently depending on why they are hungry. It’s perhaps better to be hungry for religious reasons than for being just poor. I’m personally hungry in order to get a better immune system. My body will start eating my white blood cells after 48 hours, and when I start eating again, I get an entirely new immune system. Sounds mysterious, but I’ve discussed it with plenty of doctors who agree. Maybe not to the whole immune system thing, but that a long fast now and then is probably good. I’ve decided to do it in Central America in order to 1) Not get kidnapped while running around looking for food 2) Am sober anyway 3) Not have to change to a million different currencies.

Btw, Harari’s reason to divide between various experiences of being “hungry” is simply part of his project to dismantle liberal democracy, the one man – one vote thing. Which might be his most controversial opinion. I don’t know. But I have several, similar thoughts about us having “two me:s”. Hypocrisy is one of the main ills a human can do, according to most people. But I think it’s perfectly normal to have “two me:s”. One that is taking the long-term decision (going to the gym three times a week) and one that is living inside the reality that is created by me #1 (skipping gym, ordering pizza). Like, on Monday, saying with the other politicians that alcohol should be hard to get, and then on Sunday morning at 4 am, breaking into Systembolaget for “just another beer”. I’d find that a 100% sane and normal human being! Although, breaking into a shop was a bit of an exaggeration, but you see what I mean. This demanding that politicians are always #1 (taking decisions) and never #2 (living life) is a very bad thing, in my opinion. And none of this has anything with removing liberal democracy to do, the opposite! When meeting our political friends and making rules, we are all the planning #1 (“don’t eat for 72 hours”) and then in the rest of our lives, we have to struggle with being the living #2’s (“mmm, a piece of bread!”). If we’d only be ruled by strict number 1 people, we’d be ruled by fascists who’d love to criminalize drugs etc, and then spending our money on more policemen, wondering why society is walking it’s own way.

And I’m so hungry I could eat you! Stop looking at the screen or you’ll see my tongue start moving, and five seconds after that it’s too late. I will eat your nose! And it’s just the beginning! Blood or not, it’s all nutritious!

I made a big mistake here. Here’s how number 2 tricked my number 1. Number 2 opened my wallet, took one of my Nicaraguan bills (whose value I have no idea of) and asked some ladies for a coffee. Which is OK. But it was sweet! Lots of sugar inside! Calories! Destroying my immune system! Or not destroying it, if you see it that way. My body started eating those sugar molecules instead of my white blood cells 🙁 The loss made me take my other Nicaraguan bill and try to get a sandwich for it, but it was not enough. It gave me two oranges though, with lots of salt inside. I had no idea that humans could salt oranges, but after 36 hours fast, it’s great with some salt. After the sweet coffee and two salty oranges, I decided to keep on the fast anyway. Just add another 72 hours on top of this.

So many horses! Prrrt shoo, prrrt shoo! Or however you talk to them. Niraj is a horse person btw. And Juiying a dog person! If I ever meet a cat person, I have to hold their hand and say: “Meow! Give me food and love. I hate you.” and bite them so that they know that we’re not connected at all. Except for when I’m hungry again and they have to love me. /ᐠ ._. ᐟ\ノ

Despite not getting a Nicaraguan exit stamp, I got an entering Honduras stamp! The liberty. And now we are rushing through the country on surprisingly non-bumpy roads.

Windmills and super-small taxis! So clean. It’s just a pity that the way poorer countries are cleaner, is just because they are poorer … when they get rich, they’ll all “get a car” like my friend in Bulgaria would. I think that a government packed with #1 people should tax the economy as much as possible, and build metros for the money! I love metros.

I saw plenty of places where you could buy various stone things for your gardens. A way to tell your neighbours how rich you are? An OK investment as there being a second hand market? Or just for the beauty of it?

I’m in the end seat of course 🙂 To sleep a bit when I feel like it.

And here is my 13 USD room. It had it’s own bathroom. The bathroom had no roof though … from there, you could literally climb up and enter your hotel friends’ bathrooms. And there was no hot water. And no laundry nearby. I’m getting dirtier and smellier.

View from the hotel.

At least we were guarded by soldiers! In a country where 0.1% are gangsters it could be good to have some soldiers outside the hotel :p

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