Visa Island

Today we started by getting visas for Panama. They have a small “immigration island”. I was wondering why we have so many Germanic neighbours of Germany here: Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, but no real Germans on

Today we started by getting visas for Panama. They have a small “immigration island”.

I was wondering why we have so many Germanic neighbours of Germany here: Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, but no real Germans on the ship. Now I understand! They can’t look at the San Blas flag.

After giving our passports, we went to a museum. It was mostly about menstruation. When a girl is getting her first period, they have huge parties. After which the girl can get married :[

I love weird stories about indigenous peoples. There is so much bullshit in the green movement about how indigenous people somehow lived in harmony with the world around them. That’s 100% false. Humans exterminated large mammals wherever they went on this planet. Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, ground sloths are just three of all the mammals we exterminated with stone spears. The Harari book is pact with such facts.

The rest left to go back to the ship, while I sat and read the beauty and sadness about stone age destruction. After a while they came and got me – the passports were delivered to our ship.

After lunch we spent the afternoon on this island. There was a slide.

And here is all of us!

Then dinner on the ship! Goodnight.

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