Sorry for the silence

This blog fked up, and I’ve been too busy to look at it. Busy with learning programming, playing computer games and drinking beer, all those efforts that burden the life of an adult man 😉

This blog fked up, and I’ve been too busy to look at it. Busy with learning programming, playing computer games and drinking beer, all those efforts that burden the life of an adult man 😉

I’ve been in Sweden and have had a boring covid time like everyone else. Have been to Sundsvall, Örebro, Skåne and Öland. Amazing travels for two years :p

But now that the blog seems to work, I’ll get back here and write now and then. I should say that I changed back to the Green party. The reason is that we (with election in six months) have gotten a “bloc situation”, in which the Liberals chose the right-wing bloc, while the left-wing bloc seems better for for example the environment. The right-wings have through parliamentary majority lowered our CO2 tax, which is bad as that tax is the most important for doing our cause for the climate, according to 28 Nobel price winners of economics. Of course, economists are often wrong, but the most signatures ever is hardly wrong.

The Green party is still radiophobic though, but I’d say that I keep being member for at least some years, while the chance of me voting for the Social Democrats is like 50%, as they are at least pragmatic about that CO2-low solution, the safest and cleanest fixed electricity production we have. Let’s see how the discussion is going the next six months.

I’m doing what I can, for example running in the forest with this t-shirt:

It’s the symbol of the Green Party with the dandelion changed into a nuclear sign 😉 I can send you one for 30-40 euros if you want 🙂 And during 2021, I’ve stood outside the parliament every Friday with a sign saying “Chickpeas and Nuclear Saves the Climate”, as shown on instagram. With some recipes in Swedish here. The Greta people didn’t like me. Politics is a herd game, and in this herd, nuclear power is bad. Although IPCC calculates with increased nuclear power when seeing how we can fix the climate.

I’ve been working on this game, and some others that aren’t published.

And I want this winter to end. It’s March now, which is supposed to be “spring”. I’ve started to use shorts and t-shirt when going to the shop as my kind of protest against our climate. But as it’s only 50 meters to the shop it feels okay 😉

See you soon, and have a great day!

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