Getting guns

Good morning! Here’s the bridge between the apartment and the garage. Madison is about to buy a new gun now. She has one, loaded and all, but why not two? We’re listening to $NOT. It

Good morning! Here’s the bridge between the apartment and the garage.

Madison is about to buy a new gun now. She has one, loaded and all, but why not two? We’re listening to $NOT. It felt very dangerouz.

There is a long queue to the gun store. People are worried that people get all starving and desperate. 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don’t have savings. When they get fired now, more people get desperate and criminal. And then you can shoot them. Luckily, we got in early, since they gave a faster treatment of people who already had a Dallas “License to Carry”.

This one?

Or this one? “If you already have a dagger, why don’t you buy a sword?” like they said. 2000 dollars for this beauty.

Or this one?

Trump and me.

In the end, we didn’t buy any more weapons, but just 100 bullets for 80 dollars. And then chicken on waffles! A very American breakfast. Had to eat it in the car as they didn’t want people on the inside.

We also bought a flower to a friend, and then back to the downtown!

She had a friend visiting her tonight so I took a walk in the downtown in the meanwhile. Very empty. And raining.

I went to check on Brandon who was painting a bag for a neighbour. We talked about all kinds of things, basic income, when to call the police in case there is a crime, etc. Brandon would never call the police since they’re simply too racist. I guess that makes it hard for the police to work and catch everyone who waves around all those guns. He said that I should definitely get on Instagram. That the world is packed with people who never get to travel at all, and would be very easy to reach on Instagram, while they would never enter a blog like this one. So I promised to upload two pictures per week. The problem now is that my old cellphone is dead, while the new one has some weird AppleID. But I’m working on it, Brandon, I am! Any day now 🙂 Goodnight!

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