When I woke up today, I felt like an angel. So healthy! I put on my clothes and just flew out. I had breakfast at the corner. Then I started walking around the town, looking
When I woke up today, I felt like an angel. So healthy! I put on my clothes and just flew out. I had breakfast at the corner.

Then I started walking around the town, looking for people selling tickets to Antarctica.

The price goes between 5000 and 10,000 USD.

I don’t know why it’s so expensive.

There are rumours of people who stayed for weeks and got it for 3000 euros.

I thought I was one of them, but weeks in this cold … nah.

Just take my card and give me back to the eternal hug of humanity that is the Latin American summer!

Of all the offers I got, the best was going to Antarctica on a ship packed with Chinese tourists for 4700 USD.

Then I went shopping. While in Brazil, they put two plastic bags around every chewing gum that you bought, plastic bags are forbidden from Ushuaia. Instead you have to buy these cotton bags.

As every newspaper reader knows, you have to use a cotton bag thousands of times before you gain pollution compared to a plastic bag. But I still think it’s a great idea. The bags look like something you have to save and not throw away. I can’t imagine a Brazilian car driver just throwing out his cotton bag from the window. And even if he does, cotton should get recycled faster, killing less turtles during it’s life. Or life and life, you see what I mean.

I called Uruguay for Latin America’s Switzerland, but maybe Ushuaia deserves that title? You have all the mountains first. But then it’s also very safe. Remember how Marina was running across the street while moving between her home and her stock building, to decrease outside time from 6 to 3 seconds? In Ushuaia they don’t even lock their doors. In Argentina. And several times, drivers have stopped for me, asking me to cross the street before them. That doesn’t happen every day in Buenos Aires 😉

On the way back home, I stumbled upon another Antarctica store. How often does that happen where you live? We had a nice chat, I gave them my contact information etc. Back home I tried to make Eritrean lentil soup. The spices were different and the lentils as well, but the result got very oniony … and edible. Claudia claimed she liked it, and I believed her. Lovely!