Most gay party in my life

São Paulo municipality has more inhabitants than Sweden, and the city area itself has more inhabitants than Sweden, Norway and Denmark together. Depending on the definition, you might throw in Finland as well. It’s hard

São Paulo municipality has more inhabitants than Sweden, and the city area itself has more inhabitants than Sweden, Norway and Denmark together. Depending on the definition, you might throw in Finland as well. It’s hard to understand how many people that squeeze together in the same city. At the same time, it might be Brazil’s most functioning city, with excellent metro etc.

We started the day with a wonderful breakfast in the bakery and then went morning shopping.

While cooking food for the whole week, we talked a lot about ourselves and our families. We started feeling a little bit like twins. Very different in some ways, but some things remarkably the same. Pam’s grandparents were Lebanese Catholics who came to Brazil for the better opportunities here.

Best Brazilian food ever. Because it’s Lebanese :p

And they were quite successful. Pam lives in their old house, which is 200-300 m2 packed with chapels, libraries, bedrooms etc.

The bible corner, with a beautiful page open. Some in the family believe it and some don’t.
All the books! Many translated by relatives.
Several of them studied law. And yes, they fight bribing! No worries, they are the good ones.
A garden.
Shoes from history!
Clothes from history. I don’t think any of it would suit me.
Living room
Not real cats :/ A neighbour’s cat has invaded the garden though 🙂

After a bus through a nearby favela packed with people (well, by Swedish standards), we came to the metro.

The subway
20+ millions squeeze in. But what does those two towers mean?
They mean friends <3

Pam doesn’t call herself a feminist since everything that’s connected to the word, but when she talks about her life and her family, it’s like the first chapter from any feminist book. Relatives who read law but still only served coffee because of their gender etc. But at the same time, she likes men who are … manly. So maybe this is the kind of men she likes:

So we went to the most gay party I’ve ever been to. Some 15 people met, and Pam was the only girl, and I the only straight foreigner. Insane how fun it was. The attitude was great. So much positive physical contact. So many jokes, dances etc. And board games! I didn’t want to photo the whole event as maybe one or two in there would like to wait a bit with getting out of the closet so to speak, but this photo is okay. While I’ve seen more gays in Brazil than ever before (even before this party), it is also a conservative land. One guy told me that his own sister had told him that karma made him gay for something bad that he had done. Jesus, how is being gay a bad thing? I would have had the night of my life in there if I liked guys! It’s simply not possible to visit parties with 15 girls who all just want to eat you alive. Berlusconi tried, and look at him now. Or Xi Jinping tried with 6 women, and had to imprison the people threatening to reveal it.

He didn’t like me eternalizing his Jenga move. But it went alright! Good boy.
Good night São Paulo!

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