History has always been created by violence. Humans are an aggressive mammal, fighting for their territory, just like elephants or hippos. Below might be the guy who might have once conquered the territory that you
History has always been created by violence. Humans are an aggressive mammal, fighting for their territory, just like elephants or hippos. Below might be the guy who might have once conquered the territory that you later bought, you evil possesser.

Or probably it was not an elephant, but some soldiers from a triumphant clan.
Now, should we have it like that? Of course not. That’s why we created a society in which we let laws rule. But in order for that to work, we need to say “OK, here’s how it is” and that means either say “as it is”, or “as it was X years ago”. And X is the problem here, since if your X is “5” and mine is “10”, then we have a problem with each other. Proponents of Israel often use an X of “2000” in order to defend their conquests of the last century, which is of course conflicting with the X of like 100 that proponents of Palestinians use. Although they are of course possessors too, with the initial criminal being some Arabs long time ago.
But “X” should be as small as possible. In civil law, we have a prescriptive period – if you manage to hold on for your bike a certain number of years, then it’s yours.
Now, I took a few courses in political science long time ago, but I’m far from an expert on this subject, so this is probably full of errors. Which is of course very bad given the extremely serious situation I’m talking about. But if I’m wrong, tell me here or elsewhere, and sometimes I do change my mind. Since my mind is just a bunch of brain cells that reacts on stimuli, for example from people like you.
But examples of countries that should let past conquests be prescribed:
Japan and the Kuril Islands
After Japanese forces raped as many Chinese, Koreans and Filipinos as they could, Soviet Union grabbed some tiny islands up north, and Japan has since then tried to get them back. This conflict has cost both countries a lot of money since the Japan-Russia trade is a fraction of what it should be.

Japan should simply give these islands up, with nothing exchanged in return. Although, for return, optionally, Russia could tell their sailors to get naked and wash thoroughly before entering a Japanese onsen, since them not doing it has caused discrimination of people with similar looks such as me, who love to lie in an onsen and relax, watching the mountains.
China and Taiwan
The Communist party of China has never controlled Taiwan, but I mention this anyway: Taiwan is de facto a sovereign country, and it’s people does not want to be part of Communist China. So an attack by China on Taiwan should be treated as an invasion, and unfortunately lead to WWIII, because of the might of China. So please let Taiwan be, dear Xi Jinping.

Because whenever you threat Taiwan, I just have to post images of you looking like Winnie The Pooh, just because you don’t like it. Since I live in a democracy, which among thousands of things also allow me to do satire about politicians.
Morocco and Western Sahara

I’m sorry, but Morocco has kept most of Western Sahara conquered for so long so we should just give up protecting it. Funny details from other countries:
USA accepted the Moroccan occupation in exchange for Morocco accepting Israel. See? Evil conquerors make deals with each other. Normalizing the world.
Sweden has not accepted the occupation, but agreed – secretly – to stop talking about it, in exchange for Morocco not sending us their homeless criminal children who almost stole my wallet when I slept at the green line a few years ago. (Although those could also have been from Algeria of course – I didn’t ask, this is purely me generalizing out of looks, which is an inexact, probably discriminating, but yet practical way.) Instead, Morocco sent me these guys, who took very good care of my cat Queen Nancy when I wasn’t home:

So Nancy agrees with me here. Although she would also accept the street children, since those that lived with me in my flat in Björkhagen took good care of my cat King Santos, who owned me by then.
China, Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong

Back to China, I think their occupations of Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong are done, so they should be regarded as parts of China. See Xi, I didn’t put a Winnie the Pooh on that map! Although China has to be changed internally of course, so that Chinese people can for example post Winnie the Pooh pictures if that for some reason pleases them, so now I have to post one for them:

The Samis
According to Karin Bojs’ books of genetics, the vast majority of Samis are genetically Swedes or Finns, who were forced to migrate up there in the 6th century as the world, including the Nordics, was very cold for a couple of years (due to volcano eruptions). So when people say “thousands of years” or “indigenous”, you should take it with a grain of salt. Of course, there were already people living up there herding reindeers, but that trade increased massively after the 6th century, according to Bojs.

But in any case, it doesn’t matter. The areas are truly controlled by Norway, Finland, Sweden and Russia, and the people should be treated just like Norwegians, Finns, Swedes and Russians. And the Sami language should be treated just like we treat other non-majority languages just like Arabic. (And I leave the “level” of such a treatment to another post, but the lazy answer is somewhere between how those two languages are treated now.)
So, Harald, you actually think it’s OK to just conquer land by force? No, of course not. I find it horrible. I just think that in order to have a good and peaceful world, past conquests must be accepted. While future conquests should be criticized and opposed by force.
Russia and Ukraine is a great example. In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine and took Crimea. If they had just waited a number of years, the world would have accepted Russian ownership of Crimea. But then they attacked Ukraine, and this time Ukraine could defend itself, and there was time for much of the democratic world to send them weapons and tanks. An accepted occupation turned into an attack that must be opposed. Which hopefully leads to Russia also losing Crimea.
Since I hate Swedish nationalists (or nativists in US English) I love to write about Scania in discussions like these (since our nationalists are very strong there), but let’s just go to the smoking pot:
Israel and Gaza
Jews have conquered what they now call Israel, with the help of UK and USA. Israel has separated Gaza and the West bank. Would I have supported those conquest back then? Definitely not. But Gaza should now be regarded as an independent country (or whatever word you use) that is ruled by Hamas, a dictatorial and HBTQ-hostile organization, which forcefully attacked Israel in October. Or maybe that was a horrible defensive move against Israel’s siege. I don’t know, since I’m far from an expert here, but that’s why we have experts. In Den Hague. And that’s why we have the Geneva Conventions, so lawyers can spend their days figuring out who should go to jail for not fighting against the rules of fighting that we do have.
For Israel and the West Bank, there is still hope that they can manage themselves. But Gaza is so destroyed by Israel and Palestine violence that it needs to be controlled by outsiders.
What outsiders then? We can’t use the United Nations, since the Security Council has two permanent members who are dictatorships and currently involved in what I see as WWIII: Russia and China.
We can’t use USA, since 1) they’re hated in the Arab world – for good reasons I might say 2) they might get the most evil leadership ever in November and 3) they are too involved in this conflict, being too much on the Israel side.
So we should use the European Union. They should tell Israel and USA that “We’re taking over Gaza now. Please cooperate.” And I really, really hope that Israel and USA will allow that. Now, in Israel, there are tons of people who are fearing Den Hague as much as Putin does, and unfortunately, they do have very powerful positions in that country (Update: Netanyahu and others were ordered to show up at ICC now). But luckily, although far from perfect (since no country is), Israel is a democracy, so someone, let me just “guy guess” (bad translation of a Swedish term for people who guess too much) like Benny Gantz should democratically take control of Israel with the help of the other parties, and cooperate with the EU on this.
EU should occupy the area, build up courts, declare the laws, start a proxy democracy, rule the land and send people to jail who do violate EU:s laws. It’ll be a hell in the beginning. But I do think that the EU have the capability of designing the country so that people end up liking the end result. And when this proxy democracy starts providing parties that are somewhat reasonable (which Hamas definitely is not), then they can be given more and more power, until EU finally leaves the country. Does it take 10 years? 20? I don’t know.

EU should initially throw money on this project. If I may say so, maybe the money they spend on their farmers, who politically are so evil that I love to buy agricultural products grown elsewhere. But also, EU should give Gaza a tariff-free status forever. Or at least for enough years they need to get a strong economy.
And EU should use the best among its roughly 10 million Arabs here. Using as many Arab soldiers, Arab lawyers and Arab politicians as possible. To avoid the friction you get if Israel or USA tried to rule. To be on the safe side, we should prioritize women and open gays, because of the discrimination caused by Hamas and similar organizations. Of course that also creates friction – but of exactly the kind we need to force here. Here I’m posting pictures of people that I have no idea of, but who are at least female, Arab, European politicians:

And the people chosen should of course be as “neutral” as possible. People with interests in religions, mostly Islam in this case, should not be chosen, since religions do create hostility – that’s why they were once formed. So part of the whole redesign should be to take the mosques, and fill them with trusted imams. Why does religion create hostility? Back in the days, people with some religions just fought better and paid more tax to their overlords, than people with other religions. So it’s plain evolution. For example, humans with no vision of a perfect afterlife, didn’t fought to death, but a society with soldiers that do fight to death, are of course better, if everything else is equal. (This is written after reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamonds.) So religion has to be “pacified”. Like Sweden pacified it’s Christianity by “Svenska Kyrkan”, which is governed by a group of university-educated priests who someone twists the holy scripts to for example love gay people and the like.
I heard from a Facebook friend that North America has some HBTQ-friendly Muslim organizations, so in that tiny case we could definitely use some North Americans. I think HBTQ-friendliness is a good measure of “good” here, when talking about human rights, since HBTQ people are a fairly large, but for some reason discriminated group.
Now, should Israel be blocked from Eurovision song contests? To be honest, I have no idea. But I’m very happy that a non-binary person won. Non-binary is a group that I know very little about, but their identity is obviously a big struggle for them, so to celebrate the end of this post, here’s the winner of this years’ Eurovision contest!
PS. And for how to solve this inside EU, I have no idea, but EU local parliaments should have so little to do with it as possible. Maybe just create a package, say “who wants to join?” and then use resources from those countries, and let the suckers keep spending their time stealing their own European money while sucking up to dictators.