Press play! I loved this song, as well as the original from the movie. I’ve seen it plenty of times. There’s something with the Germans in a boat listening to the sounds from above that
Press play! I loved this song, as well as the original from the movie. I’ve seen it plenty of times. There’s something with the Germans in a boat listening to the sounds from above that … did something. “Small *BOOM*” … “War das eine bombe?” “Ich weiß es nicht…”
Anyway, at the hospital, they have put a pillow between my legs. That’s how I sleep the best. Of course I don’t wake up in this comfortable position!

May 5, Saturday
Hi Harald. You had an X-ray today. Your mom, sister and wife are here to visit you. (We had divorced, but didn’t tell my mom – which gave her even more surprises at the hospital.) We have cancelled all your sleep medication because we want you to wake up. So far you have turned your head and moved your left arm and leg. The sun is shining outside and the sky is clear blue. We who have worked tonight: Moa, Ann, Katarina and Lena.

May 7, Monday
Hi Harald! Yesterday you went to another surgery and got a drain again. Today we went to CT scan with you. Your family is here with you, for example your cousin Erik. We who worked with you today: Moa, Pia and Evelyn.
Apparently, this was the hardest day. They thought I would die. My mom went to the bank and discussed what to do with my apartment and loans. Personally, I don’t remember anything at all. I don’t even remember the day I went to the gym. Probably because it was a super-normal day, with nothing to stick the memory too. It’s weird, because it’s like the whole family has an experience in common that I don’t have at all. I’m so sorry for you!
But I’m super happy today.

Here I’m arriving at St Martin in the Caribbean in October 2019, 17 months after the accident, on board a CMT container freighter. No submarine unfortunately, although it was murky and nice when going down to check the engine and all that. It was a lovely day and a lovely island!