Brazilian democracy

There was no Friday demonstration in Brasilia. Well, I was there. I walked around the area, holding this sign. Several people took pictures of themselves with this sign. Not with my camera though, so I

There was no Friday demonstration in Brasilia. Well, I was there.

I walked around the area, holding this sign.

Several people took pictures of themselves with this sign. Not with my camera though, so I look more alone than I am.

The police didn’t give a shit. “Swede demonstrating? So what?” Lovely.

“Sweden sucks too” is mostly to not come across as a “Scandinavian hypocrite”. Sweden is more than twice as dirty as Brazil measured in CO2 per person. And our forests are a huge mono-culture producing paper and furniture. When it burns, it burns a lot extra since the companies are too invested in profits to for example have lines of leafy forest that would slow down the fires, like it used to be. We have promised to let at least 17% of our forest be protected, but are currently only protecting 3.4%. This means that we lose a lot of animals, and that the forest sucks up a lot less CO2 than it could. And the Swedish Green party wants to _increase_ foresting by making gas of it for all our cars, instead of electrifying them by nuclear power. I’m still a member though, as it’s the most serious party we have in Sweden, and I would like to make it better.

Here’s another idea, I got after accidentally polluting the Amazon river with my plastic water bottle. We have sugar-made plastic bags in Sweden. How hard can it be to make a bottle? The oceans would love it! Then Brazilians could use their sugar for that, instead of sugarizing the coffee.

These buildings are so … lovely!
The departments however, looks like Stockholm university. Built at the same time!
The forest sign.
The water bottle sign.
Lovely church!
The inside of it.
The cult of Niemeyer is …. fantastic.

The cultural centre. Many people loved and photographed my sign here, including a dancing woman. Unfortunately I took no good photos of her dancing, so you’ll just have to believe me.

The inside.
I’m sure Niemeyer did all the art too.
In the very central of Brasilia, with all people inside cars. Make me mayor now!

Then we went to Daniel’s birthday party! These people all know each other from working at the same kindergarten, so as an inside joke Daniel got a copy of the kids’ birthday party. Lovely!

Here’s me in the middle of a long English conversation practice with Mariana. So brave to try your new language for real! If she keeps on like this, she’ll be fluent in a few years.

Arthur himself is dressed like an animated dog!
I’d give my kids to this group of friends. 7/24
Next party!
Untz untz untz
Little sister gets sleepy
But Arthur has other plans!
Not to mention this guy …. grrrr

We Ubered the sister home with all my valuables, and Arthur and I went to a third party, to celebrate ex-president Lula getting released from prison. I have no idea whatsoever about his involvement in the corruption. But I do love “Bolsa Familia”, that was formed by president Lula (2003-2010). It’s like a basic income given to the poor, and it has dramatically reduced Brazilian poverty, while not making people work less – except for their children. They still have it during Bolsonaro. Give Bolsa Familia to the whole planet, rich or poor!

See you tomorrow 🙂

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