Buenos Descanso

Woke up at 8, had a shower, fell asleep again, woke up at 13. Lucía and I went shopping. We bought beans, pees, corn, red onion, and went home and made the spiciest lunch ever.

Woke up at 8, had a shower, fell asleep again, woke up at 13. Lucía and I went shopping.

*Here’s what I looked like with today’s throat.*

We bought beans, pees, corn, red onion, and went home and made the spiciest lunch ever. Or maybe not, but spicy. And beany. I loved it. Then we spent the whole day watching documentaries. Except for two hours when I went to sleep again.

*Whisky and Planet Earth II*

For dinner, we had polenta, and on top of it, our old bean medicine. Nom nom!


On their 50-notes, Argentina has the Falkland Islands, or the Malvinas as they’re called in Spanish. They fought about these islands with UK almost 200 years ago, and UK won because they had the most cannons. And Argentina hasn’t forgot. They attacked it in 1982, which made Margaret Thatcher super-popular. Have you ever wondered why your rental apartment was privatized, why money keeps flowing in and out your country like air, why your trains are governed by a host of companies instead of just the government? Those are all Thatcher-policies, that might not have spread from England had she not been reelected by the immensely popularity she gained by kicking the Argentine nationalism away with some of her cruisers. Because, yes, sorry, but this is the most incredible nationalism I’ve seen in my life. It was even entered into the Argentine constitution of 1994.

It’s like Sweden would keep fighting for Åland, as if Japan would keep fighting for Taiwan, as if Germany would fight for what is now Western Poland, as if Greece would fight for Western Turkey and so on. As if Ukraine would fight for Crimea …. oops, I mean, ehheh …

There needs to be an age limit for when an inconvenient land grab gets valid. Because honestly, every piece of land on the earth was once upon a time violently land-grabbed. I suggest the year 2000. The year 2000, Crimea was part of Ukraine, Kosovo was part of Serbia, the four Japanese islands in the north that has cost the Japanese and Russian populations billions in lost trade were part of Russia. Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong were part of China, while Taiwan had its own government. Stockholm had lost all Swedish lands in the East, but gained Scania and southern Lapland. And the Falkland Islands were since 167 years part of the Brexit losers. Cheers!

*Caught our lovely smiles.*

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