The upside of getting unemployed from a failing restaurant is all free food you get while getting your last salary. I’m not a huge fan of white bread, but when it’s free … Today is

The upside of getting unemployed from a failing restaurant is all free food you get while getting your last salary. I’m not a huge fan of white bread, but when it’s free …

Today is our Swedish day, meaning that I only understand Swedish. Madison speaks a little “Svorsk” actually. She lived in the north of Norway and worked with the rest of the Norwegian worker class, that is, the Swedes. So when she speaks it becomes “Svorsk” which is Norwegian spoken by Swedes. But today it was 100% Stockholmish! She wanted it. Yesterday. Today … not so much 😉 But the whole point of this strategy is to keep it 100% Swedish the whole day, no matter the complaints. I also included the little sister into this, since we know each other after a couple of days, and to not have her just translate. It works like this: you can write in any language, but only speak in Swedish. That’s how I taught Swedish both to my ex-wife and my brother. My ex-wife became more or less fluent in two weeks. The hardest weeks ever, but then she spoke better than many people who lived here for years.

When I grow up and become an adult, I’ll stop cooking the whole bean packet at once. Here is a chili stew on pinto beans. There are tons of ingredients below the beans, I promise! I cooked it in a very low temperature and tried to carefully stir it a lot to not burn. The end result was … OK.

Our little sister left us today 🙁 But instead we got the little brother! Ashes liked that. They say he is like a cat. In a way, yes. No barking. I’d prefer a cat though, if I had to choose. Some are cat people, some dog people, some nothing, and some both. I’m definitely a cat person.

The brother coming made it a bit hard for our Swedish. As in we haven’t talked a lot before, I couldn’t just sit there and pretend to not hear what he was talking about. But we watched a Swedish movie, A Man Called Ove. Super-Swedish. Lots of suicides. And then little brother had to go home. Aaaaw, hug him until he breaks!
Then we went out with Ashes, who sniffed and pissed. We left everything back home. Including the house key. So we couldn’t get back inside. And the city is super dead. On a normal night, there would be people everywhere, but now, no one. We spent an hour staring through the doors for a neighbour to just come by. Trying to get people from windows above to see us. Walked to the hotel in the same building, which was totally closed, no security guards. Eventually, we went to a nearby bank and talked to their security guards, and they called our own, who was at home but sleeping, and he let us in.
The good thing is that we did bring our Swedish book, so during the hour we could speak Swedish. No one could hear Madison as she shouted “Help! Hjälp! Hjääälp! We ar fast her for alltid!”