The view from the 16th floor offers you a good morning! I woke up at Cristal’s and Gabi’s place. They are Larissa’s friends, and she placed me in a sofa in their kitchen. After a
The view from the 16th floor offers you a good morning!

I woke up at Cristal’s and Gabi’s place. They are Larissa’s friends, and she placed me in a sofa in their kitchen. After a great sleep, Cristal made juice.

And then some tapioca bread with nice filling! It was the best breakfast I’ve ever had in Brazil (and I’ve had at least one nice before).

After the tapioca … they had made one more! I was like “but, well, yes, ok *glump glump*”. I asked if I could photo them for my blog and they were like “Yes …” and click!

I sneaked in a secret Swedish lesson before leaving:

If you wonder what I’m doing on a Monday morning, then I’m waiting for a bus ticket:

Paraná is fun because it looks exactly like Roumania, map-wise.

With Curitiba at about the same place as where Bucharest is. So now I’m at Foz do Iguaçu at the South-Western border towards Serbia and Bulgaria. I mean, Paraguay and Argentina. Tomorrow I’ll see the Iguaçu falls!