Self-portrait by Madison. It would be great with a White Claw right now, but Jabba the Hutt says “Harald, my boy, you disappoint me”. Today I made lentil stew, with lentils from the Ethiopian store!

Self-portrait by Madison.

It would be great with a White Claw right now, but Jabba the Hutt says “Harald, my boy, you disappoint me”.

Today I made lentil stew, with lentils from the Ethiopian store! They aren’t that easy to find otherwise, over here.

I made pancakes. Same recipe as in Denver, but with almond milk instead of milk, and olive oil instead of butter. The kale is baked with olive oil and salt, and the spinach is fried with onions.

It’s my own “injera”, with mostly Swedish recipes 🙂

They like it. Or Madison did, Timur doesn’t eat vegetables.

I even got my beard cut! 0 USD instead of 30 USD.

Watching Netflix. Or Ashes. You could choose. I watched Ashes. Good night!