Today we’re going to the Bar Island! It’s an island with a bar on it, as you might have guessed. Yesterday I burnt myself as pink as my hat. This was the first time I

Today we’re going to the Bar Island! It’s an island with a bar on it, as you might have guessed.

Yesterday I burnt myself as pink as my hat. This was the first time I visited the sun half-naked.

Captain, Mr Dutch and Dutch Single, so excited!

The Bar Island is on the left. The building is the bar.

They have some other foreigners there. Gah!

Talking to the Korean mom and the English son was great. Such smart and interesting people, both of them. And it was a little bit like meeting my dad’s Japanese widow and my half-Japanese half-brother, as they travel together in Nepal, Czechia etc 🙂

They lent me a t-shirt to protect my pinkish skin. Thank you very much!

Going from Colombia to Panama without flying is so hard. I have to lie here and look at my feet 😉

Today’s game is the Dutch Single’s dice game, “Chinese”. You have to guess how many there are of each dice. I won on the boat, but lost now.

But that’s good, since I’m so stuck in today’s book: Sapiens by Harari.

Dinner! I didn’t get any veg today, so I had to eat meat. It was more expensive to be vegetarian than a meat-eater on this trip, which is weird since veg food is so much cheaper. But the real vegetarians (The Koreanglish) never got any protein, so maybe meat was better. For me, that is, not for the planet or the animals themselves. Anyway, nice night! See you tomorrow.