I’ve been to China a lot, and to Tiananmen Square many times. For example on Chinese New Year in 2005, we went there to celebrate. It was closed though, with soldiers everywhere. The Chinese Communist
I’ve been to China a lot, and to Tiananmen Square many times. For example on Chinese New Year in 2005, we went there to celebrate. It was closed though, with soldiers everywhere. The Chinese Communist Party is terrified of stuff happening there. The end was good anyway: we were five, and the taxi could only take four, so I walked home, and was invited to a family party in a closed shop. Delicious spinach dumplings! The best I’ve ever eaten. They didn’t know me at all, they just thought I looked hungry and in need of a chat. I was packed from dumplings already, but when the dumplings come, I open up my extra stomachs 🙂
I love the Chinese people, the language and the food. So therefore I need to say that today, on June 4, in 1989, the Chinese Communist Party killed hundreds, or maybe thousands of Chinese, on Tiananmen Square. Communism was falling across the world, and many thousand Chinese people had erected a statue of democracy, and wanted free elections in China. China would have had a development similar to the equally Chinese and very democratic Taiwan.
But the hard-liners won, and they shot all the protests down. The Chinese Communist Party are so afraid of people understanding what happened there, so I need to write something about it, in case anyone from China is reading this. If you can’t see the links below, use a VPN. I used https://www.expressvpn.com/ when I was in China last time (Express VPN).
Here’s the wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests
If you live in Hong Kong, you’re aware of this already. But this might be the last time it’s marked: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/03/asia/hong-kong-tiananmen-june-4-china-intl-hnk/index.html
Tons of videos on www.youtube.com
Where would China have gone, if going in the same way as Russia? Would it be even more corrupted, with politicians buying up state assets for cents? Would the economy have been trashed by Wall Street bankers, like the Russian?
If you’re not gay or political, I think you would be happy the way China has gone. The change has been AMAZINGly good (if you don’t like to speak politics, that is). And with Russia going back to autocracy, maybe what happened in Russia wasn’t that good after all. Democratising a country is a very delicate act, in which the big players can’t just look for their own money (like IMF/US did in Russia: https://www.theguardian.com/…/a…/09/russia.artsandhumanities)
I do think, however, if looking at the beautiful and consolidated Chinese democracy of Taiwan, that China would have made it well, and that they would have given the long finger towards IMF, as East Asian countries sometimes do.
Anyway, with protests in the USA storming the country, it could be good for the US to not have June 4 or June 5 or whatever as a date for the world to remember for ever.
Don’t shoot people. Let it pass.
And then give people money, straight into their hands, forever and ever and ever.
The economy needs fewer and fewer people. Every new factory produces more than before, with fewer and fewer workers. Being unemployed must be normal, it must be paid.
Because when you don’t get cash, you’ll sooner or later throw stones. Because you are a human.