I woke up at 4, was awake until 6, fell asleep and woke up at 9. Went shopping. Did some push-ups. Because Pam is so sporty – skateboard, running, cycling etc, so just in case
I woke up at 4, was awake until 6, fell asleep and woke up at 9. Went shopping. Did some push-ups. Because Pam is so sporty – skateboard, running, cycling etc, so just in case she’d ask “so how was your day today?”, then I could start by saying that “yeah, woke up at 9, did some push-ups …”

I made the healthiest breakfast ever. Very Swedo-Brazilian: oatmeal with para nuts. Then I spent the day on the Internet, and in the evening I hit the town to eat at Kidoairaku, one of the two pieces of advice I had got. (The other one was not open on a Monday, so that made it easy.) But when I found the place, it was closed.

The pain I felt! I sneaked around the windows like a professional stalker. I heard a sound inside … like porcelain moving. Maybe they were preparing? I found a window open and asked through the curtain: “Sumimasen?” After a while a Japanese face showed up and said “we are open from half past six” in the most well-sounded Japanese I had heard in my life. The joy!
Until then, I took a small bean soup at a nearby place. I wanted a 0.0% beer because of my sober week, but they had nothing but this bean soup so I had a taste.

And it was so incredibly tasty! I think that they sort of tried to compete with the Japanese in front of them.

At 18:30 I got a table for two, and soon Pam showed up. She is working for a telecom company, American Tower, with solving the legal puzzle when building new communication masts. But she is also working with Waze Carpool, a Google-owned app supposed to help people share cars when commuting to work. In a huge city like São Paulo, they’re based on the amount of people travelling in similar directions, and it costs her as little as 50 euro cent going to her job in the morning, getting picked up and delivered door to door, with half an hour in between. Look how happy this makes her:

And it’s so safe too. When you take an Uber, you get a driver chosen for you. In Waze Carpool, you see people, read their profile etc and choose yourself. Today Pam was picked by a girl that had never used the app before. The joy of helping someone get into it and start making money! If you live in Brazil, Mexico, Israel or the USA, then you have to try it, just download “Waze Carpool”. If you have no car (or prefer not to use it!) then you could find a faster way to go to work, and if you do have a car, then you could start making money.
Anyway, we shared a lovely plate of gyoza.

And then Pam got the hugest plate of curry in her life.

And I got the hugest plate of miso lamen in my own life, and because of all the miso lamen I’ve eaten, that means a lot. I asked for “ommori”. I should have done that in Germany, but forgot, and ended up having two ramen (poor me) but now I was all well-behaved and asked for extra much to begin with. But my god, the size of this meal was insane.

I only ate half of it. I think it was the first time in my life that I didn’t finish a proper ramen. I asked for plastic boxes to bring it home. I think the noodles were good. Not the cut of perfection from Düsseldorf and their imported Sapporo stuff, but good. The soup was very good. But there was too little of it. I like to drown in it, feel the garlic fill my whole body. But maybe all the extra ramen I asked for pushed the soup away. I give it 3 out 5. By a Japanese scale that is, so so far the best west of the Atlantic.

Besides us, there were two gangs inside, both of them Japanese. Good sign! They all seemed to have such a good time. And so did we! And got a lot of food to bring home.
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