Most dogs bark and crave attention. And they are slaves. They love you, and insist on loving you. I dislike the eternal love, and the insistence of getting it. I like cats who shit on

Most dogs bark and crave attention. And they are slaves. They love you, and insist on loving you. I dislike the eternal love, and the insistence of getting it.
I like cats who shit on you, and sometimes, when they feel like, they give you your love, for a few minutes. Like a human, who is with you when they want to. A love that you need to deserve.
So here is not a human, but a dog I cheated with 7 years ago. We liked to sleep in the sofa of my office.
Please don’t tell any cats. Because if you told them, they would totally ignore it. And that would make me feel less special.
I’m getting two cats this autumn. And yes, I will cheat with dogs if I find them in sofas. Because that’s me. I hope you like me, for a few minutes, and then piss in my shoes.
two cats!! yeeeei!” we want pictures! But of course they are not going to be as cute as we are